Hall Available For Hire
Please telephone Babs on 01348 872282/840604 / 07875 217699 for more information
Letterston Memorial Hall Ltd is a Registered Charity & Limited Company
General enquiries, bookings, feedback:
Babs is the only person able to take Bookings and she prefers contact by telephone but if you do use the email here, please include your phone number so she can ring back. It saves much time to talk directly, we find.
Please telephone Babs on 01348 872282 / 840604 (Mob 07875 217699)
or email info@LetterstonMemorialHall.co.uk
You can download a Booking Form and see the Conditions of Hire – Click here.
To report web-site problems please email the webmaster on: web@LetterstonMemorialHall.co.uk
This web-site is: www.LetterstonMemorialHall.co.uk.
Update this website:
If you are an Organiser and want to have your activity description added/removed or modified, please email to info@LetterstonMemorialHall.co.uk, attaching an up-to-date poster if available.
Babs and the webmaster John will see your email and respond accordingly.
Keep your customers/ potential customers informed!
How to find us:
The Memorial Hall is situated in Station Road, Letterston, (SatNav SA62 5RY) about 200 yards from the village square (the A40 cross-roads).
Postal Address: Letterston Memorial Hall, Station Road, Letterston, Haverfordwest, SA62 5RY
Directions: From Haverfordwest going North towards Fishguard on the A40, turn right with ‘Something’s Cooking on your right, at the Cross Roads, signposted ‘Puncheston’, ‘Little Newcastle’
See the red marker on the map below; you can zoom and drag the map and switch to satellite view.
The Hall has car and coach parking space.
Bus Stop:
Richards Brothers’ bus service number T5 (between Aberystwyth – Aberaeron – New Quay – Aberporth – Cardigan -Dinas – Newport – Fishguard -Letterston – Haverfordwest) stops at the Cross Roads roughly every hour on a weekday.
The Hall is a registered Charity with no other regular income and relies upon your support to pay for its heating, lighting and maintenance. This means that the Hall has to make a small charge for use.
Please contact Babs for latest competitive pricing details.
We are cheaper than you might think !
Apart from updating this website to reflect changes:
There is a Notice Board inside the Hall.
Some posters are placed in the surrounding area
There is a Suggestions Box near the Main Hall Entrance door.
Customers are welcome to phone or email with queries/comments.
Letterston Memorial Hall Management team:
Committee Members – Trustees of the Charity and Directors of the Company (all unpaid volunteers):
Chairman: Mark Owen Rees, Station Rd, Letterston
Treasurer: Gareth Evans, Priskilly Lodge, Letterston 01348 840443
Secretary & Bookings:
Helena (Babs) Johnson , Maes y Coed, 102 St David’s Rd, Letterston
01348 872282 / 07875 217699
Other Trustees:
Paul Hart, 12 Min y Llan, Letterston
Rhyswyn Thomas, Rhysgwyllt Farm, Letterston
Designated Premises Supervisor:
Letterston Memorial Hall Ltd
Supporting People
Eddie Lewis, 23 Jubilee Close, Letterston 07791 404234
Yvonne Thomas Volunteer
John Woore Volunteer Webmaster
Your Comments are Always Welcome
As a Committee of volunteers we trust we are providing and running the Memorial Hall to your satisfaction, keeping it a safe, attractive place for your meetings and activities. If there’s anything we can improve then please contact us. We’re not constantly monitoring our computers so if you need a reply soon then you should use the phone!
Email to info@LetterstonMemorialHall.co.uk
Do you have time for the community?
Do speak with a member of the Committee, give us a ring or send an email.
Letterston Memorial Hall Ltd is a registered charity. Our function is to provide a building for the village and surrounding villages for the purpose of recreation/learning/leisure time activities etc.
It is run by a small group of volunteers and is non-profit making.
Do YOU have any spare time to help us?
Maybe you feel you could assist the Committee in their management tasks, or can help with cleaning/caretaking tasks, or delivering leaflets, or helping at events?
Or perhaps you may wish to start up a new activity?
We would be pleased to hear from you.
Phone Babs on 07875 217699. Thank you. Committee approval required.
Do you have an interest in maintaining this website?
This website runs on ‘WordPress’; do you have the skills or are willing to learn to maintain the website for the Committee? It only takes a few minutes a week to keep things tidy and make changes to Content.
Instruction and documentation given to any new ‘webmaster’! Valuable skills will be acquired!
Email to info@LetterstonMemorialHall.co.uk in the first place.