The Kitchen has a seating area 3m by 4m with chairs and small tables. The Kitchen proper is 7.5m by 3m and is well furnished with professional equipment. Check with Babs for arrangements.
The cooker is gas. There is a fridge and a freezer, utensils, cups, glasses and plates, dishes, etc. Please discuss requirements with Babs.
Hot water is always available from the sink for cleaning. There is a an electric boiler as well as kettles to supply hot water for beverages.
It is essential that users leave the kitchen in a state they would expect to find it; please clean and tidy after use as you would your own home kitchen so the next group is not inconvenienced.
The kitchen is inspected by the authorities periodically, for this reason as well as for your own health it is essential to keep the area clean and tidy.
Bring any serious breaches of this rule to the attention of the Caretaker or any Committee member.