The Caretaker looks after all aspects of the Hall heating and security. He knows when users are expected and ensures the Hall is available for customers.
The Caretaker arranges cleaning and minor repairs as needed; we welcome feedback on anything you feel needs attention and urge everyone to report any health and safety-related problems immediately.
Hall heating is operated from a locked Boiler Room which has no public access for safety reasons; please bring any central heating or hot water supply problems to the attention of the Caretaker or any member of the Committee.
We would ask that Hall users please leave the Hall as they found it so the next customer is not inconvenienced by having to clean and tidy before they can start their activity. In particular please return tables and chairs to where you found them and sweep the floor if you have left debris as several groups (Exercise, Dancing for instance) need a clean floor.
Please bring serious breaches to the attention of the Caretaker or any Committee member.
In general lights should be left as you found them for the convenience of other groups. The exception is the Main Hall where lights should be turned off please unless another group is waiting to come in immediately.