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Regular Activities

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Organisers please email change requests with Date, Time, Details, or just attach a pdf poster or picture.

Advertise your Hall activity on this website. Let everyone know!
Email to to

(Private hire is not shown here)

Singing For Fun

Coming Soon!

Day to be decided. Please express your interest; see Poster:

Keen to join a new group in the Autumn?
Please email to register interest and for more info.
No experience necessary. All abilities welcome.

Poster for new Singing For Fun
Click to enlarge


Buffs Quiz

Monthly every 2nd Monday 7.30pm

7pm for 7:30pm. £5 per table, with Raffle. Good Luck!

Bar available

More detail on the BUFFS-Letterston facebook page

Fit For Life

Fit For Life Mondays 17.45pm
Click to enlarge

Mondays 17.45 to 18.45

Contact Laura for more details and to book


Life Fitness

LIFE Fitness Tuesdays at 10.30am
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Tuesdays at 10.30am

Contact Laura for more details and to book

Luncheon Club

Poster for Letterston Luncheon Club
Click to enlarge

Tuesdays 11-3pm.
Lunch served at 1pm

Bookings essential 07875 217699
Please see Poster:


Tues. 5.30pm

Slimming World Tuesdays 5.30pm
Click to enlarge

See Poster (click to enlarge then press back) :-

See our Facebook page and watch our video!
Local Slimming World Sessions CLICK

Call Jon Sladden on 07519 996 519


1st Tue 7-9pm.

All welcome and refreshments available.

See here for some details

See Facebook page

2022 Jubilee 016 Preseli Astronomy Group
Preseli Astronomy Group

Short Mat Bowls

Tue. 7.30-9pm July to April

(if not playing away)
01348 840045


Youth Club

Wed. 7-9pm during School Term

Youth Club is aimed at young people aged 11-25. We run a range of activities including cooking sessions, games, arts & crafts, and a range of different sports. During the school holidays we offer holiday provision programmes which recently have included kayaking, coastering and surfing at Abereiddy.

Follow our Instagram page @letterstonyouthclub

For more information please contact Llyr Tobin on 07810 681746

Buffs, Cleddau Lodge plaque. Meetings on Wednesdays 8pm at Letterston memorial Hall
Click to enlarge

RAOB – Buffs Meeting

Wed. 2-3pm in Winter, 8-9.30pm Summer

01239 614474


Mobile Library Service

Poster for Mobile Library
Click to enlarge

Every fourth Thursday. 9.30-10am

2024: 29Feb, 28Mar, 25Apr, 23May, 20Jun, 18Jul, 15Aug, 12Sep, 10Oct, 7Nov, 5Dec

New members welcome
Enquiries:  George Edwards  01437 776126

We will be visiting each stop once every four weeks. 

For further information about the mobile library village routes,
please click the link in the header above, or telephone (01437) 776126
or e-mail

This is the Village Mobile Library Service.
To read in Welsh and also to see about the Library at Home Service,
please click here to download a pdf

Letterston 55+ Fit Club
Age Cymru Exercise Class

Poster for Keep Fit for over 60s at Letterston Memorial Hall every Thursday 10.30am
Click to enlarge

Thu. 10.30-11.30am

For Men and Women. In the Main Hall. £2
Contact: Viv Millard 01348 873491
07814 722578


Thu. 5.30-7.30pm during School Term

(age 7-10yrs)
Carys James 01348 840998

If your daughter is interested in joining, register your interest

Note that most recent activity has been via Zoom (even virtual sleep-overs!).

Short Mat Bowls

Thu. 7-9pm (July to April)

01348 840045



Poster for Patchwork and Quilting Group
Click to enlarge

Fri (3 per term). 10am-4pm

Mel Richards:
01348 875 131


Fri. 6pm – 8

Age 6+ to adult
Traditional Wado Ryu Style
John R Dunn, 5th Dan Instructing

Everyone’s welcome!
Train for fitness, self discipline, self-confidence or for self-defence.
Follow us on Twitter – @hkkwales
or website


Call 07809 448033    01348 874869

Girl Guides

Fri 6.30 – 8.30pm

Contact: Sarah Miles 01437 741203


Childrens Dance Classes

Sat. 9am – 5pm

Contact: Lowri Jones 07446 656954


Showdog Training

Sun (Fortnightly) 12 -2pm

Contact: Jen 07956 653 401
Please find us on Facebook

Letterston Ringcraft is show dog training classes run from the Memorial Hall. We have beginners to seasoned exhibitors. Helps to get your dog happy around other dogs and strangers.

Click to enlarge

Fun Games Evening

Sun. 7 – 9pm

Skittles & Social Get-together (with a Pint!)
Contact: Babs  01348 872282
